"No basta con saber, se debe también aplicar. No es suficiente querer, se debe también hacer ". (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

martes, 21 de julio de 2015

150630 Clinical Session in English. Pressure Ulcer.

Since June, Jonnathan McFarland  come to advise us on our English presentations, the first one was about Pressure Ulcer, by Raquel Muñoz (Primare Care Nurse) with Caterine Vicens (General Practitioner).

Key Points:

Why clinical session in English..?
  1. The Fact: the importance of English in Medicine. 
  2. The Problem: the "English barrier" in Spain.
  3. The Solution:
  • ENGAGE busy clinicians with English
  • EMBED learning experience in a clinical seting
  • ENCOURAGE doctors and nurses to break English barrier.

Links of Interest:

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